Exoskeleton Supporting Back and Shoulders

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mechatronics Department, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, MSA

2 Mechatronics Department, Faculty of Engineering, October University for Modern Science and Arts (MSA), Giza, Egypt

3 October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, MSA, Egypt

4 Dean of Faculty of Physical Therapy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, MSA


Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common diseases in industrialized countries today and have a significant impact on the lives of workers. They are one of the primary causes of work-related injuries in the construction sector. Furthermore, MSDs affect worker productivity and company productivity. Studies have found a notably high prevalence of this disorder among workers in Egypt. The lower back, neck, and shoulders are the areas most affected by this disorder. Lower back pain is the most affected area, often resulting from lifting heavy weights with incorrect postures. Conversely, shoulder fatigue is caused by repetitive tasks in inappropriate positions over extended periods of time.
This paper presents a quasi-passive exoskeleton, as a possible solution to MSDs. The proposed design aims to reduce a major health problem for workers, to correct wrong human postures, to reduce muscle fatigue, to decrease heart rate.
It has been identified after testing and having real data that exoskeleton implemented supports lumbar which enables participants to lift more weight while being comfortable without any injuries or pain. Furthermore, the proposed design can support the shoulder and reduce muscle activity while enhancing heart rate, and oxygen consumption.


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