Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Water Surface Cleaning Robot

Document Type : Original Article


1 a B.Sc. Student, Faculty of Engineering, MSA University, 26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City, 12451, Egypt

2 Mechatronics Department, Faculty of Engineering, MSA University.

3 Mechatronics Department, Faculty of Engineering, MSA University


 Water is a vital resource, but industrialization has caused water pollution to
become a significant issue. An autonomous water surface-cleaning robot is a
machine that is designed to navigate and clean the surface of a body of water
without human intervention. The robot is equipped with sensors and algorithms
that allow it to detect and remove debris, such as leaves and twigs, from the water's
surface. In addition to removing visible debris. one of the main advantages of using
an autonomous water surface cleaning robot is the ability to continuously clean the
water without the need for human intervention. This allows for a more efficient
and effective cleaning process, as the robot can operate around the clock if needed.
Additionally, the use of a robot can help to reduce the risk of injury or accidents
that may be associated with manual cleaning methods, such as using a net to
 remove debris. A fixed arm is included for collecting and depositing waste into a
basket on the hull, and electronic circuits and motors are protected inside the hull.
The robot can operate autonomously, including detecting and avoiding obstacles
and cleaning the water's surface. It also has a docking station that alerts the robot
when it has reached its maximum garbage capacity or when the battery is low. The
robot includes modules for movement, positioning, obstacle avoidance,
communication, and power management, as well as a system for cleaning the
water's surface.


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