Evolution of AI role in architectural design: between parametric exploration and machine hallucination

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt

2 Cairo University


 The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into architectural design has
revolutionized the building industry. AI offers a wide range of algorithmic
approaches that can be used to explore abstract conceptual designs and generate an
unlimited number of design ideas based on mathematically defined parameters.
This paper provides an exploratory study that critically reviews the evolution of AI
in architectural design. The study highlights the potentials, limitations, and future
vision of this technology within the context of architectural design. AI has
transitioned from a tool for functional optimization to an unprecedented resource
for design inspiration based on machine intelligence. However, the authors
emphasize the importance of a balanced approach that ensures AI-generated
designs are human-centric, environmentally responsible, and culturally sensitive.
The study concludes that AI has the potential to inspire and enhance architectural
design but must be used ethically and responsibly to avoid negative impacts on
human creativity and design ethics.


Main Subjects