A Design Chart to Determine the Overall Thermal Resistance of a Building Envelope Cross-Section

Document Type : Original Article


Architectural Systems Engineering, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), Cairo, Egypt


 The overall thermal resistance of a building envelope cross-section;
vertical or horizontal, is crucial for providing insulation for indoor spaces to reduce
heat transmission, which would lower energy usage. The main objective of this
paper is to create a design chart that determines the overall thermal resistance of
vertical or horizontal cross-sections that constitute a building envelope.
Additionally, it can determine the appropriate insulation needed to achieve the
desired overall thermal resistance. The design chart is made up of several integrated
graphs that are created using various formulas, with each graph illustrating the
resistance of a particular building material as a function of its thickness. Using the
design chart to determine the overall thermal resistance of vertical or horizontal
cross-sections is simple for architects to do without having to perform several
calculations. It is also universal since it may satisfy the needs of the various energy
regulations across the globe.


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